If you are worried about anyone accessing your browsing history visit internet browsing tips which can help you to manage your browser privacy before accessing any sensitive information.
Safeguarding is everyone’s business
All the surgery staff have safeguarding training and are always willing to talk to anyone concerned about the safety of a member of our community.
Advice for and about children
If you think a child is being abused you can get advice from North Tyneside Safeguarding Children’s Partnership. The NSPCC also has lots of useful advice.
If your baby or the baby of someone you know is crying and causing distress advice can be sought from ICON.
Childline also offers support to children and young people.
Advice if you think an adult is being abused
If you think an adult who is unable to protect themselves is being abused you can obtain information and advice from North Tyneside Council you can report concerns via their website. The Ann Craft Trust has advice on safeguarding young people over the age of 18 particularly those with learning disabilities or if you suspect a sports coach is being abusive.
Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse can take place in many different forms. If you are being controlled, threatened or physically assaulted by someone who you are, or have been, in a relationship with or family members regardless of gender or sexuality (aged 16 or over) that is domestic abuse. Domestic abuse isn’t always easy to talk about. You may feel frightened, ashamed, confused and guilty. However, there is support which can be put in place in North Tyneside. Domestic Abuse can happen to anyone and any kind of relationship. Everyone has the right to live without being domestically abused.
Local Organisations which offer support:
- Harbour – work across the North East of England with services in County Durham, Hartlepool, Stockton, Middlesbrough, Darlington and North Tyneside. You can contact them on: 03000 20 25 25
- Acorns – offer a range of services to support families affected by domestic abuse in North Tyneside and Northumberland. They can be contacted on: 0191 349 8366
- Victims First Northumbria – Support and advice to victims of crime throughout Northumbria. Telephone 0800 011 3116
- Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland – For women who need to talk to someone about rape or sexual abuse. Telephone (0191) 222 0272 (General enquires and referrals), email support@rctn.org.uk
- Child to Adult Violence information
National Organisations which offer support:
- National Centre for Domestic Violence – Telephone 0844 8044 999
- Women’s Aid (live chat facility available) – Telephone 0808 2000 247 (free phone 24 hour helpline)
- The Men’s Advice Line – Telephone 0808 801 0327
- Everyman Project – supports men who are violent or concerned about their violence.
- National Domestic Abuse helpline: 0808 2000 247
- Scotland: Domestic Abuse & Forced Marriage Helpline (freephone 24/7): 0800 027 123
- Wales: Live Fear Free Helpline (freephone 24/7): 0808 801 0800
- Northern Ireland: Domestic & Sexual Abuse: 0808 802 141
- SMS 999 service (need to register beforehand)
- Getting help for domestic violence – NHS Website
- Silent Solution – What to do if you need urgent police help through the 999 service but can’t speak.
- Respect – Information and advice for people who are abusive towards their partners. Telephone 0808 802 4040
- Refuge aim to empower women and children to rebuild their lives, free from violence and fear. Helpline: 0808 2000 247
- Broken Rainbow Helpline – Information and signposting to services for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people experiencing domestic violence. Telephone 0800 999 5428.
- Forced Marriage Unit – Telephone 0207 008 0151 (Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm) or 020 7008 1500 (Out of hours, ask for the Global Response Centre).
- The Hideout – The charity Women’s Aid created because children and young people said they wanted more information about domestic violence that’s easy to read and understand.
Safe Places

Any organisation that displays this logo is an approved “safe place” environment. A safe place helps vulnerable people if they feel scared or at risk while they are out and about in the community and need support right away.
Park Road Medical Practice and Battle Hill Health Centre have been approved as a “safe place”
Boots the Chemist offer a safe space in its consulting rooms (2600 locations across the UK) for victims to access help and support. To access this, individuals go to the counter and state that they wish to use the safe space.
In addition please remember you can always speak confidentially to any of our GPs and nurses about any of these issues.
Useful resources and patient information leaflets from the Home Office are available.
Additional Information and Support
Documentary offering a comprehensive guide to the essential steps which would allow a victim of domestic abuse to prepare themselves.
Caring Dads
Some useful videos are available on youtube for working with fathers who have a history of DA and for those who just may need some extra support.