Non-urgent advice: Please Note
Please note that this practice does not endorse any cold calling of patients by any company. Please be very careful who you give your personal & medications details to and if you are worried contact us or your local pharmacist.
How to Order
24 hour answering machine
Telephone: 0191 300 2708. This is available 24 hours per day, so you can even phone when the practice is closed.
You can request prescriptions via the NHS App or Patient Access.
Medication Reviews
The doctors at the Practice regularly review the medication you are taking. This may involve changes to your tablets, in accordance with current Health Authority policies; please be reassured that this will not affect your treatment.
We may sometimes call you in for a medication review and this may involve blood tests. It is very important that you attend these appointments, as it keeps you safe whilst taking medication.
Non-Repeat Items (Acute Requests)
Non Repeat Prescriptions known as “Acute” prescriptions are medicines that have been issued by the Doctor but not added to your repeat prescription records.
This is normally a new medication issued for a trial period and may require a review visit with your Doctor prior to being added onto your repeat prescription records.
Some medications are recorded as acute as they require to be closely monitored by the Doctor. You may therefore not always be issued with your requested medication as you may need to consult with your Doctor.
Urgent Requests
If you have require an urgent prescription, please call the practice on 0191 300 2707 and speak to a receptionist. Please note the GP partners have agreed a list of medication which is deemed as urgent, if your medication is not one of those listed, then your request will be processed routinely within two working days.
Hospital Requests
When you are discharged from hospital you should normally receive five days supply of medication.
On receipt of your medication requirements, which will be issued to you by the hospital, please bring this to the surgery or post via S.A.E. before your supply of medication has run out.
Hospital requests for change of medication will be checked by the GP first, and if necessary your Doctor will issue you with a Prescription. The Practice will endeavour to issue you with your prescription on that day, but it cannot be issued until your medical details are checked by the Doctor, your prescription should normally be ready by 4pm on that day, or you may be advised to attend the next day.