Teaching Practice

We Are a Teaching Practice

The practice is a teaching practice for GP registrars, medical students, student nurses and attached staff. The GP registrar is usually with us for six months, normally from August till the following February and another registrar from February to August. Whilst the GP registrars are already fully qualified doctors, having had a great deal of hospital experience, they are nonetheless encouraged to seek advice when required from any of the GP partners.

We also have medical students attached to our practice for short periods. If you do not wish to have a medical student present during your consultation, please inform the receptionist at the time of making your appointment.

The practice also takes student nurses on placements from the local hospital. The student nurses are with one of the qualified nursing staff at all times.

Video Consultations

Also as part of an assessment procedure to make sure that all doctors who become GPs are fully competent, a video recording of some of the consultations between patients and doctors in training is carried out from time to time. This is to assess the doctor and the tape is wiped once the teaching of the doctor is complete. No intimate examination is carried out in front of the camera. The video is only of you and the doctor talking together and is carried out according to guidelines from the General Medical Council and Joint Committee for Post-Graduate Training in General Practice (the body responsible for the training of GPs). This is purely optional and will only be carried out if you consent to the consultation being recorded.