Anyone in England can register with a GP surgery. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number. No documents are required to register with a GP; however, to facilitate the registration process we would be happy to see forms of identification and address but if you do not have these – don’t worry!
Documentation may be useful to confirm your details with our local Health Authority which helps to ensure the correct matching of your details to any existing NHS record, enabling previous medical records to transfer smoothly between practices. We appreciate your assistance in this matter.
If you are unable to provide any documentation, then we may still register you. However we may need to contact our Registration Department first, to verify your information with them, and ensure your medical records are not delayed in being transferred to the Practice. This will normally involve a phone call between you, our Registration Department and ourselves. Alternatively we may also email/write to them directly in which case we will require your consent for us to do so.
Further information on How to Register with a GP Surgery is provided by the NHS
If you have any questions regarding NHS entitlement, or our Registration Policy please contact the Practice.